our impact
youth in the developed world
have participated in our youth leadership programs, growing confidence and becoming skilled in marketing, fundraising, leadership and social change.
girls and women in Ghana
have been provided with access to education and skill training, confidence building programs, and leadership opportunities.
people living in extreme poverty
have had their lives forever changed thanks to an inspiring female leader who are supporting them to climb out of poverty.

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get involved
become a young leader
Are you a young person interested in change for yourself or the world? Then check out our sister social enterprise, Create Change Academy, which offers young people from around the world the chance to become leaders of change, and funds our work in Ghana.
make a donation
Provide a girl with education, increased confidence, and leadership opportunities by donating to support our transformational programs for young women. Make a donation and change not only a girl's life, but all of those whose lives she will change as a result.